“the understanding will come”

One of the most profound messages I ever received from my spirit guide was in response to me telling her “I don’t understand” when a situation in my life did not pan out like I was expecting it to and in fact my life took a turn for the worst. My spirit guide immediately rebutted my complaint with “the understanding will come”. This simple 4-word statement stuck with me for a long time and as I think more about this simple statement, I begin to recognize how incredibly powerful this message actually is. In fact, I don’t think it’s an understatement to say this could in fact be life changing.

When my son was 2 years old we first received his diagnosis of having Fragile X which causes intellectual disabilities and autism and we were told he may never speak. At that time, I would have said “this was the worst thing to ever happen to me”. Little did I know that my son would become the catalyst of massive growth in me and set me on a spiritual journey I never would have gone on otherwise. Today, I see my son as one of the best things to ever happen to me.

“The understanding will come”

At the time of my divorce 5 years later, I would have said “this is the worst thing to ever happen to me”. But looking back at it now, 3 years later, I see that was one of the best thing to ever happen to me. Since my divorce, I have grown tremendously as a person, rediscovered who I actually am and forever changed the path my life is on and frankly, I really enjoy the path my life is on now.

If I could of gone back and given myself advice during either of these moments, I would have told myself “don’t judge this as good or bad, just flow with it. The understanding will come”.

Our brains are programmed to want to label things in our lives but if life experience has taught me anything, it’s that good things often turn bad and bad things often turn good.

The trick is to just flow with your life circumstances like water around rocks. Don’t let things needlessly upset you and disrupt your mood because you labeled an event as bad. All this does is raise negative emotions within you which will only hinder your progress not aid in it.

“The understanding will come”


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