Essentially Spiritual Terms To Aid You On Your Journey

When you are first “awakening” it can be overwhelming. Your entire worldview is being challenged and you are thrown around a lot of spiritual terms which you be confusing at first and you may not understanding. These terms get their origins in a variety of different sources from ancient Sanskrit to religions to modern-day culture. In this article, I am going to define some of the essential terms you should be familiar with while progressing through your own spiritual journey.

Spirit Guides: Spirit Guides are nonphysical beings that have our best interests in mind and can inspire or guide us in life. Each of us has at least 1 spirit guide assigned to us in life and we can call on or communicate with others for guidance as well.

Intuition: Intuition is also known as clairsentience or “gut instinct” is guidance from your spirit guides. It is often subtle or quiet and you may need to learn to quiet your mind’s chatter in order to strengthen your intuition.

Aura: Auras are energy fields that reside in all living beings. When seen, auras sometimes appear as colors that reveal an individual’s spiritual and emotional personality. It can also appear as a bright light around a living being.

Angles: Representation of source energy, they are similar function as spirit guides except they are so evolved that they have never incarnated on the earthly plane before.

Astral body: The astral body takes the same image as the physical body but is formed of finer energy. This is the link between cosmic energy and the nervous system. A counterpart of the physical human body which is not usually separated from it in life and survives it in death.

Astral projection: Astral projection, is a term used to describe an out-of-body experience that assumes the existence of an “astral body” through which consciousness can function separately from the physical body and world and travel throughout the astral plane.

Chakra: Chakras are energy centers that are found throughout and around the body. They are linked to different mental states and feature all the colors of the rainbow. In Sanskrit, the word Chakra translates to “wheel”. Many who can observe chakras see them as spinning disks or cyclones.


Clairvoyance is the ability to gain information through images in your mind about an object, person, location, or physical event through extrasensory perception. This may be in the form of dreams, mental images or “movies” in your mind’s eye. This can include seeing colors or auras. The images you say may be literal or metaphorical.


The ability for a person to acquire psychic knowledge without understanding how or why they know it. You know it to be true in your mind’s eye, even though you did not hear or see it. Some refer to this as a “download" of information” and can occur in an instant.


Clairaudience is when you are able to hear voices or messages from the spiritual realms. For example, if you are driving and suddenly hear “turn left” in your mind or ears.


The ability to perceive information through physical touch. Any psychic information is gained when you physically touch or handle a person or thing.


Clairsentience is a clear physical feeling you have. You actually feel the physical feeling in your body that others are experiencing. This can be feelings of pain or other physical sensations. An example is if someone is having a stomach ache, you feel either pain or a sensation in your stomach too.


Clairintellect is a psychic influence on your thoughts. This can be in the form of clear thoughts or when your thoughts can manifest as your intuition. You may also notice that in conversation your words seem to flow from you as if they are coming from a higher source of consciousness.


Clairempathy is sensing other people’s emotions, thoughts, or symptoms. It is an awareness of emotional energy. As an example if someone crying this might make you feel the same emotions and being crying as well. People with Clairempathy are known as “Empaths”.

Ego: The ego is the part of us that is concerned with our separate individual lives on earth. Many say you need to dissolve the ego, however, if you plan to continue to live within society, you still need a little ego.

Holistic/Wholistic: This refers to looking at an individual as a whole person including mind, body, and spirit.

Karma: Is a concept in Buddhism and Hinduism and is the idea that your actions in previous lives influence your current one. For example, if you committed harmful actions upon others in a past life, this may attract negative consequences to you in this life. The opposite is also true, positive actions in past lives or this one will attract positive consequences to you.

Lucid dream: A lucid dream is a type of dream in which the dreamer becomes aware they are in a dream. Through this awareness, they may actually gain control of the dream and can guide the scenes, characters and actions in the dream.

Meditation: There are many forms of meditation but generally it is the practice of directing your attention on one sensation, thought or feeling. By placing your attention on one thing, this often leads to the rest of your mind silencing. For example, some teach to place your attention exclusively on your breathing, or chanting a phrase or a visualization.

Medium: This is a person who acts as middle man for communication between a deceased person’s spirit and a living person.

Spirit: The non-physical part of a person which is the seat of emotions and character. Also known as the soul.

Shaman: The term derives from tribal people in the Americas and refers to a healer or medium for the tribe. Shamans often use chanting, rituals and plant-based medicines in their practices.

Third Eye: One of your main chakras is located in your forehead. People also refer to your third eye why referencing clairvoyance and seeing images in your mind’s eye.

Psychic: Is a person who is able to receive information from another person without using your 5 external senses.

Medium: A medium is a person able to receive information from spirits. All mediums are psychic but all psychics are not mediums.


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